John and Kim lived in Leva on Market in Ballard when Erica and I did. I knew John prior to that from the rap scene, but we became couple friends when we both lived in the same apartment complex. Erica and I were immediately impressed and jealous by their taste in domestic decor. The more we got to know them, the greater the legend of John and Kim became.
The story of this date was homemade versus store-bought. Spoiler alert: everything homemade was made in John and Kim's home. And it started with a large jug of delicious jalapeno, cucumber margaritas.
John and Kim's home is in Enumclaw, WA. They purchased it in somewhat of a fixer-up state and they have completely mastered the art of fixing up. The added a wine cellar, finished dark hardwood floors, started a garden in the yard, on top of several other improvements and additions. When they invited us over for a housewarming, I stopped by Value Village to purchase something awful for them. I scored a horribly fantastic velvet tiger painting in a frame. Store-bought. To counter, on their first visit to Tune Castle, John procured a cherub statue which he molded and mounted a bottle opener into the crotch area. Homemade.
They wanted to BBQ in our sunny backyard, and the weather was great. It was an excellent plan. However, I didn't feel a BBQ yielded much room for me to "cook" something. So I purchased a few bratwursts, some corn, some pre-made kabobs, a pack of Rainiers and a bottle of Fireball. Store-bought.
John and Kim made a salad to eat while we waited on the food. A salad made from the lettuce in their garden, with a vinaigrette they whipped together. Homemade. They also brought four bottles of WA wine which they purchased on a tasting. All four wines were awesome.
John and Kim were already dominating the date in terms of effort and awesomeness. Then to boot, our propane tank ran dry shortly after the first round of meat cooked. We even had to finish the corn and kabobs off in the oven. The highlights at this point were definitely the margaritas and salads. But the corn turned out being perfect, we needed no salt or butter at all.
And then the knockout blow came. Dessert. Angel-food cake, raspberry and strawberry skewers with chocolate drizzle. In champion form, John and Kim came out on top and before the date was even over... Erica and I both knew... they are number one.
With Griff moving into our home in three weeks, Erica and I had cleared the guestroom, and, worse, given our guest bed to Aaron. So we even came up short on proper accommodations. John and Kim would have to sleep on a twin sized inflatable air mattress.
Before calling it a night, they demanded a shot at the fabled Table Topics. We played and the night ended rather abruptly after we pulled a question about what illegal activity we would be willing to do for one-million dollars. John said something like save starving children. Kim talked about starting a charity or something. Then I said I would murder all three of them and hit Lola in the face with a hammer. Aaaaaaand we all went to sleep.
Though we had previously agreed on getting Pho for breakfast, John and Kim craftily avoided getting killed in their sleep and left this note on the pillow. The note reads as follows:
Dearest Tunes,
Thank you so much for having us over at your wonderful abode. We had THE best time with you both and with Lola. So sorry to leave so early, but we have powerful things that need to get done. Let's plan on us coming back up real soon and getting Pho because we really REALLY want to try your favorite spot. Maybe we could do dinner one night? Anyway, you two are the best and will always be the real #1 in our eyes!!!
Much Love,
John + Kim
And like that, the angels that graced our presence for the briefest moment were gone. Only the sweet memory of them remains. We love and admire John and Kim and can't wait to see them again. They are both so easy on the eyes.
Next week we have an unblind blind date! My future roommate Griff will be coming over to have dinner and drinks with my wife at home and my wife from work, Jackie (assistant manager at HG). These are two of my favorite people and I cannot wait to hangout with them! Cheers.
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